As many of you have seen, the pace in which i was able to translate the first half of DX4 have been extremely slow with latest chapter that just have been released having taken several month at this point to complete.
Main reason behind why it has taken such long time for the translation to be out is because of my masters program that i have been taking for past half-year or so and because of that, i’ve rarely had chance to have any free time for my self let alone find any time to translate both DxD and Inou Battle series.
Because that i am not able to commit any of my spare time on side projects, rest of the DX4 volume will be done with the help from zxzxzx and will be available on his blog. I will be helping him along the way as much as possible but for now, i will be taking break from active translation of future DxD series and will be taking significant break from Inou Battle series.
As for DX5 is concerned, neither I or zx have any future plans to translate it at this point. Bare in mind that Korean DX5 will most likely come out during summer holidays, however i may not have any time to continue the translation after holiday has ended, therefore i cannot say if i will be able to translate the DX5
I would like to thank everyone from the community who has given me support and help until now, and i hope that this won’t be the last time i will get to post another translation on this blog.